The final project is a professional policy proposal advocating for specific action in support of the humanities’ role either in public life or the academy. As Shakespeare suggests in Coriolanus, “there is a world elsewhere,” and this project conducts research and develops a proposal to argue for the humanities’ place in an area of 21st century life in which their practice and/or study could (and should) have a meaningful impact.
In other words, the proposal will work to demonstrate how those majoring in the humanities at Mercer are, as much as any other major, prepared to use their knowledge and skill to “change the world.” The project includes two main sections, a history of existing policies in a selected area or an existing curriculum and a proposal for concrete action in response to what you see as a need for change.

For my project, I propose the Mercer University English Department require majors complete multiple research and writing courses in order to develop skills in analysis and communication.